If you experience the above mentioned problem, try following tips to solve the issue:
Method 1: Check the volume level on your TV/TV-related box.
Sufficient volume level from TV/TV-related box is required for stable signal output to the transmitter. If volume is set low on your TV, or TV box, or both of them, signal transmission to the base and headphones becomes intermittent or choppy. Generally we would recommend an average TV and TV box volume of 30%-40%.
Method 2: Rule out any possible source of wireless interference.
Wireless signals around the transmitter base can have negative impacts on the wireless working range of SIMOLIO headphones for TV watching. The so-called source of wireless interference includes smart WiFi TV, TV Box, home appliances like microwave oven, or other 2.4GHz and Bluetooth devices transmitting on 2.4GHz band.
Method 3: Remove or avoid physical obstacles.
While SIMOLIO 2.4GHz TV hearing device can carry audio signals beyond walls, ceilings, or human bodies, actual working range will be compromised if there are too many solid obstacles between the transmitter base and the headsets. Try SIMOLIO within a shorter range to get the seamless audio experience.
If still no good, send your details to market@simolio.com.