If you have not been able to connect your SIMOLIO 2.4G device to Samsung TV correctly according to the instructions in the manual, then we recommend that you follow the steps below to check and try.
Step 1: Set the audio output of the TV to Optical.
1, grab the remote and press the Home button.
2,scroll over to Quick Settings, and then up to Sound Mode.
3,Switch it to "OPTICAL "
Step 2: Adjust the audio output of the TV to PCM.
1, Select Sound, and then select Expert Settings.
2, Select Digital Output Audio Format--PCM
Still doesn’t work?
Because the same brand has different factory settings for different models, the exact setup procedure may be slightly different as a result. If you have already referred to the above steps but still have no effect, we recommend that you consult the relevant brand after-sales service for further support.
Tel: 1-800-726-7864
Support: https://www.samsung.com/us/support/contact/
Alternatively, you may contact us at support@simolio.com